Products - AllStar Nodes, USB Interfaces, Kits, Modules, MiniPCs, Ham Radio Accessories

See the main page for links to my How-To Guides that cover many aspects of the design and construction of AllStar nodes using HTs, mobile radios, and radio-less interfaces. Prices and specifications are subject to change.

Radio-Less Full-Duplex Nodes & USB Interfaces

All ANR100's now include an AllScan UCI120 USB Communications Interface with AGC Mic Preamp, Mic Gain Controls and multiple bandpass filter stages for excellent audio quality, smooth dynamics, and an overall sound consistent with even the best radio-based nodes. These do not include a mic or speaker. I recommend a genuine Alinco EMS-57 DTMF mic which I have in stock for immediate shipment. For speakers I recommend any 3-8Ω speaker made by a reputable ham or commercial radio manufacturer such as Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu or Motorola. Notes:

The UCI120 provides a switch enabling 0/10/20dB of additional mic gain and a knob enabling gain reduction/fine tuning, and provides enhanced filtering of the 5V mic power line with a 10Ω—1,500μF RC filter to ensure the lowest possible noise with any type of mic.

Recommended Microphones

AllScan UCI120 USB Communications Interface

Ready to plug in to any computer running ASL, DVSwitch, HamVOIP, or other PTT communications applications. Product Page

UCI120 - $99

Use with your own Dell 3040, RPi, or other computer.
Enclosure dimensions: 3.5"W x 4"D x 1.5"H. Includes 6" USB-A to C cable

UCI120-PCB - $79

UCI120 PC boards without aluminum enclosure or USB cable, with volume control and mic jack included but not soldered on. Perfect for use in an enclosure you provide such as a comms speaker or phone patch

Shipping - $8

USPS First Class Mail

ANR100 Audio Interface Module Kit

Includes all needed parts, USB cable and enclosure. (No mic, speaker, or wire.) NOTE: Proper assembly requires experience with surface mount electronics and soldering very small parts.

ANR100-K - $65

Use with your own Dell 3040, RPi, or other computer.
Now also includes Mic Gain Control option parts

ANR100-Mini-K - $60

Includes smaller enclosure (3" x 3.75" x 1.2" vs. 4.1" x 4.3" x 1.4").
Slightly harder to assemble due to limited interior space

Shipping - $5

USPS First Class Mail

Fully Configured and Tested MiniPC Node

Configured with your node# and details, running ASL3 with Allmon3 and AllScan installed. Includes a refurbished Dell 3040 MiniPC and 100-240VAC to 5VDC Adapter. Also available in 5-15VDC powered option

ANR100 - $219

No WiFi module is included but any Linux-compatible USB WiFi adapter can be used

WiFi Option (ANR100-W) - Add $50

Fully configured and tested Dell OEM internal WiFi module and antennas

Shipping - $10

USPS Priority Mail

Fully Configured and Tested MiniPC Node

Configured with your node# and details, running ASL3 with Allmon3 and AllScan installed. Includes a new GMKtek NucBox5 and 100-240VAC to 12VDC Adapter. The NucBox5 is a powerful yet incredibly small (2.85" x 2.85" x 1.75") PC with 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD, a 2+GHz Celeron CPU, Wifi, Bluetooth, etc. Supports dual-boot and includes Windows 11 (can be chosen during bootup instead of Debian+ASL).

ANR100-G - $349

Shipping - $10

USPS Priority Mail

Fully Configured and Tested Laptop Node

Configured with your node# and details, running ASL3 with Allmon3 and AllScan installed. Works like a 3040 or RPi when the cover is closed and screen off, or open the lid and you have a full-featured PC. supports dual-boot and includes Windows 10 or 11 (can be chosen during bootup instead of Debian+ASL).

ANR100-LT - $349

Includes a Dell E7440 Laptop running Debian Linux, ASL3, MATE Desktop, WiFi, ethernet, full keyboard, trackpad, ~14" LCD, battery and AC adapter

Shipping - $20

USPS Priority Mail

ANF101 Full-Duplex Nodes with Retevis/TYT HTs

TurnKey cross-band full-duplex nodes providing excellent audio quality and maximum RFI rejection.
Includes R1-ASL URI with aluminum enclosure and Rx HT Hardware COS mod.

Fully Assembled, Configured and Tested Node

Configured with your node# and details, running the latest ASL with Allmon and AllScan installed

ANF101 - $550

No WiFi module is included but any Linux-compatible USB WiFi adapter can be used

WiFi Option (ANF101-W) - Add $50

Fully configured and tested Dell OEM internal WiFi module and antennas

Black Color Option (ANF101-Blk) - Add $50

By default I use a plain aluminum 5"x10" mounting plate but can optionally use a black painted aluminum 4.5"x10" mounting plate and black power supply enclosure providing a more color-coordinated appearance

Shipping - $20

USPS Priority Mail

ANF200 Full-Duplex Mobile-Radio Nodes

TurnKey cross-band full-duplex nodes providing excellent audio quality and maximum RFI rejection.
Includes R1-ASL or RIM-LiteV2 URI with Aluminum Enclosure, with ASL configured in
usbradio DSP mode using unfiltered audio I/Os.

Full-Duplex AllStar Node using various mobile radios

Fully tested and configured plug & play nodes with all original radio accessories, box and manual, configured with your node# and details, running the latest ASL with Allmon3 and AllScan installed

Custom ANF200

Can be built with any cross-band full-duplex radio such as a Kenwood TM-V71A, TM-D700A, Yaesu FT-8800R, or Alinco DR-735T. Pricing is generally $300 plus the cost of the radio depending on the specific options needed.

I currently have 1 ANF200 in stock with a Good condition Yaesu FT-8800R,
Dell Wyse 3040 MiniPC and R1-ASL URI - $575

WiFi Option (ANF200-W) - Add $50

Fully configured and tested Dell OEM internal WiFi module and antennas

Shipping - $20

USPS Ground

Node Components & Accessories

Genuine Alinco EMS-57 DTMF Hand Mic

The most popular DTMF hand mic on the market due to its clear audio, excellent build quality, and heavy-duty long coiled cord

Alinco EMS-57 - $67

Shipping - $6

USPS First Class Mail

Refurbished Dell Wyse 3040 MiniPC

I have multiple 3040's in stock that have been fully tested, including the 3V backup battery replaced if it measured < 2.95V. AC adapter is listed separately in case it is not needed eg. if powering the 3040 from a DC power source.

Dell Wyse 3040 - $30

WiFi module not included but any Linux-compatible USB WiFi adapter can be used

WiFi Option (3040-W) - Add $25

Dell OEM internal WiFi module and antennas

16GB eMMC option (3040-16G) - Add $20

Most 3040's have 8GB eMMC which is more than enough space for ASL,
but to also install a Linux Desktop GUI 16GB is recommended

12V option (3040-12V) - Add $20

Most newer 3040's are rated 12V 2A and run great on 5-15VDC. Many also
have 16GB eMMC in which case there is no extra charge for that option

AC Adapter (3040-AC) - Add $15

5V 3A with 4.0x1.7mm plug. Also fully compatible with 12V 3040s

DC PowerPole to 4.0x1.7mm cable (3040-DC) - Add $20

For 12V 3040s

USB Power option for 3040's (3040-USB-DC) - Add $10

USB-A plug to 4.0x1.7mm cable, powers a 3040 from a USB power pack / charging port

Install Debian 12 (3040-Deb) - Add $25

Debian 12 installed and updated. At that point it's easy to install and configure ASL3, Allmon3 and AllScan with simple SSH commands

Set Up ASL3, Allmon3 and AllScan (3040-ASL) - Add $50

If you'd rather not set up these packages yourself let me know your node# and configuration details and I can set everything up and test. Then just plug in the 3040 and a URI/UCI and you'll be on AllStar within minutes. (Requires 3040-Deb option)

Shipping - $7

USPS First Class Mail

Modified BH7NOR R1-ASL / R1-2023 URI

The best AllStar USB Radio Interface with outstanding RFI rejection and extruded aluminum case. Modified to support Full-Duplex and ASL txmix level setting. 10K version supports line level source impedance.

Note: R1-ASL supports AllStar only and has an extra Status LED; R1-2023 provides a USB serial port interface used by PC apps such as Zello, EchoLink, and digital mode programs. If you want the R1-2023 let me know when ordering.

R1-ASL - $65

Perfect for nodes using HTs or radios with speaker level outputs. ~100Ω audio input impedance. Includes USB and MiniDIN6 cables

R1-ASL-10K - $85

Perfect for mobile radios that have a standard MiniDIN6 jack with ~10KΩ Rx Audio line source impedance. Includes USB and MiniDIN6 cables. Supports "9600" or "1200" audio input lines (specify when ordering)

MiniDIN6-K1 Cable - $45

Cable used in ANF101s going from a MiniDIN6 plug to K1 HT 2.5mm & 3.5mm plugs and Ground wire. Works great with both half and full duplex nodes ie. 1 or 2 HTs

Shipping - $6

USPS First Class Mail

Custom Builds

I can do custom builds with any enclosure and any other options you might need.
I can also set up cloud VM nodes, repeaters, links, and custom hardware and software.

Radio-Less AllStar Node using a Communications Speaker

I can build custom nodes using any communications speaker if there is sufficient room to add a mic jack, volume control, etc. I include an A/B switch and external speaker level input jack with all speaker conversion nodes so that the original functionality of the speaker remains fully intact and it can still be used with any radio.

Custom ANR200 - $Contact me for details

These are around the same price as an ANR100 plus the actual cost of the speaker and $150-200 to cover additional labor and options ie. A/B switch and external speaker level input, panel mount status LEDs, and any other desired options. Can include audio dynamics controls, aux inputs, line outputs, level meters, etc.

I currently have in stock a Heathkit HS-24, Kenwood SP-23 and SP-120 that can be made into nodes. These can plug into any PC or RPi or can be provided with a fully configured and tested Dell 3040 or Netbook.

Radio-Less AllStar Node using a Phone Patch

I can build custom nodes using any phone patch. Since AllStar runs on Asterisk (a phone system), adapting a phone patch makes a lot of sense. It is also possible to preserve the original phone patch functionality such that it can still work with analog telephones and HF/VHF radios in addition to AllStar.

Custom ANR150 - $Contact me for details

These are around the same price as an ANR100 plus the actual cost of the phone patch and $150-250 to cover additional labor and options ie. VU Meter support, panel mount status LED, and other desired options or customizations. Can include mic gain and dynamics controls, aux inputs, line outputs, etc.

Ordering Process, Contact Info, Payment Options

To place an order email david at and let me know which option(s) you'd like to go with and any other setup/configuration details needed or questions you have. I can then confirm I have everything in stock and estimated ship date. (Most orders ship within 1 business day.) PayPal can be sent to or david at, or Venmo or Zelle to chc_media at

If ordering a product that includes a configured node computer please provide the following:

  1. Name, Call Sign, Email Address, Phone Number, and mailing address. (Will not be provided to any 3rd party.)
  2. AllStar Node Number to use, password defined for that node number in the ASL portal (not your user password), and the IAX port number to use (4569 by default). The IAX port number is set on the Server Settings section of the ASL Portal. A new server entry should be created there and then in the Node Settings section assign the node number to the new server.
  3. Please confirm you have reviewed the website, the Instructions / Notes for the type of node you are ordering (see product pages / How-To guides), and understand how to connect the node and use AllStar.
  4. If you made a purchase through ebay please confirm if you would like any of the other options or accessories listed here on the Products page.
  5. Confirm if you need any other ASL options, settings, or apps enabled such as EchoLink, iaxRpt or SIP. (AllScan and Allmon are included by default.)

Note for ebay users: Be sure to contact me (or any other ham radio equipment builder) directly before purchasing a node through ebay. Ebay fees are quite high and you can save 10-20% by ordering direct from a reputable seller and using no-fee payment services such as venmo or zelle.

73, David NR9V

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